
St Michael's Primary School

Together we achieve


Miss Aimee Crofts

I am delighted to welcome you to St. Michael’s Primary School.

Our school is a place where the children come first; they are central to our every decision. We place nurturing pupils’ social and emotional wellbeing with upmost importance and we support all of the children in their personal development. At St. Michael’s, we strive for the children to become happy, resilient and compassionate members of society.

Through our positive and caring learning environment, we encourage children at St. Michael’s to aspire in reaching high standards and to have the personal goal of reaching their full potential. Through this ethos, our pupils can build self-motivation and high self-esteem; they acquire the enthusiasm to pursue their next phases of education and future ambitions.

At St Michael’s, we have a stimulating and supportive learning environment with a curriculum which is both exciting and challenging. In our school, we encourage pupils to be inquisitive and, through this, develop a love of learning. We provide a balanced and broad curriculum to enable pupils to discover a wide range of interests and passions.

To support this further, we enrich the curriculum through extra-curricular activities. As a school we offer a wide range of clubs, for the children to have a variety of experiences and find additional areas in which they can flourish.

We are a dedicated and hard-working team, who are committed to providing the very best learning opportunities for all of the children in our care. Our shared vision, ‘Together we achieve’, is embedded into our daily school life and our high expectations for the children.

The strong partnership between school and family is vital and lies at the heart of children’s happiness and success. Our open-door policy means that, as parents and carers, you are always welcome to come into school to discuss your child.

In addition, there are many opportunities during the year where you are invited into school to learn more about what we do and to celebrate the achievements of all.

This prospectus will give you a flavour of our school and visits are warmly welcomed. I feel very privileged to be Headteacher of this inclusive and friendly school, at the heart of the local community, and very much look forward to showing you our school.


Aimee Crofts



