
St Michael's Primary School

Together we achieve

Art and Design

Subject: Art 


It is our intent that art across the curriculum will inspire, engage and challenge all pupils, enabling them to develop the skills to effectively communicate their thoughts, ideas and emotions to others. We aim to build the pupils’ stamina for art and design by developing their opinions and appreciation for a wide variety of art. We study a range of Great Artists and art styles from across the centuries enabling children to develop some knowledge of an art timeline and recognise how styles have developed. 


Implementation (Organisation across the school including EYFS)  

Art is a compulsory subject and is delivered throughout the academic year. The content is determined by the National Curriculum and is planned to address both skills and knowledge. Art, in all of its forms, is a valuable way in which the children can express themselves so by teaching and developing the necessary skills we can encourage them to produce work in which they can take pride. 

An awareness of Great Artists and their work is required and coverage of this is planned across the years to ensure a variety of Artists and styles are covered through a wide variety of lessons often matched to topics covered in other subjects. 



Art work is not “marked” as such but we do encourage self -evaluation where the children comment on the quality of their own work and make suggestions for improvements.  Scrap books and art books are re-visited and used to follow progress throughout the years and as a source of material to discuss children’s development. As part of this self-evaluation we teach the appropriate vocabulary to use. This allows the children to express opinions of art as seen in school and in the wider environment. Each skill is revisited on a yearly basis so that children can enhance their skills and develop a knowledge and appreciation of all forms of art. Skills will be practised and enhanced by revisiting and developing each year.


For example, in EYFS children will be encouraged to explore and enjoy mark making then progressing onto more specific mark making with a wider range of media in KS1. In KS2, they will use drawing as a method to communicate their thoughts with more opportunity to explore and develop use of a further range of media.  


Enrichment and Resources  

It is important that children recognise that art comes in many forms. We visit art in a number of settings including art galleries and museums, local parks and town centre statues. We also look at design, modern and historical by observing local buildings such as churches, factories and housing along with parks and gardens. Further studies will include design and packaging, architecture, comic strips and advertising encouraging all children to take notice of “everyday” art as an opportunity to observe, comment and develop opinions and preferences. 


Impact (Assessment, Recording and Reporting)  

Art work is often taken home by the children and their enthusiasm to share with their parents is encouraged. In EYFS, art work is photocopied or photographed and may be posted on Tapestry along with a brief comment. A scrapbook is kept of selected pieces of work with a comment from the child along with a brief assessment comment by their teacher. Work is displayed on a regular basis both in class and in shared areas to encourage use of imagination and to showcase developing skills. 


Inclusion and Differentiation  

All art and design projects will be made accessible to all children through differentiated input [adapted language], differentiated resources and tools, differentiated support when learning new skills and through carefully selected projects to include multicultural representation and inspirational ideas relating to children’s interests and experiences. 
