Together we achieve
At St Michael’s Primary School, we believe that, through the study of history we will stimulate the children’s interest and understanding about the life of people who lived in the past. We teach children a sense of chronology, and through this they develop a cultural understanding based on their historical heritage; learning to value their own and other people’s cultures in modern multicultural Britain. In our school we teach children to understand how events in the past have influenced our lives today; we also teach them to investigate these past events and, by so doing, to develop the skills of enquiry, analysis, interpretation and problem-solving
Implementation (Organisation across the school including EYFS)
History is taught in blocks throughout the year, so that children achieve depth in their learning. Teachers have identified the key knowledge and skills of each topic and consideration has been given to ensure progression across topics throughout each year group across the school (Information can be found in the progression of skills document, on medium term plans and on knowledge organisers). Children are taught both substantive and disciplinary knowledge. Topics are taught in chronological order from year 3 – year 6 so that children develop a good chronological understanding. In KS1 children learn about chronology within a topic starting with themselves and then looking back at the older generations within their families and the local area. Planning is informed by and aligned with the national curriculum. In addition, staff have access to the plans and resources The Historical Association of which the school is a member. Staff will also use the schools progression on skills document. Within our knowledge-rich approach each child is supplied with a knowledge organiser of which they can add their own learning to.
National Curriculum data/file/239035/PRIMARY_national_curriculum_-_History.pdf
History Association
KS1 teaching sequence
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KS2 teaching sequence
Historical Themes
Within our History curriculum we cover the following themes; Settlement changes over time, conflict, civilisation, trade, worship, civilisation, empire, invasion, worship, industry and monarchy.
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The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) follows the ‘Development Matters 2020’ guidance. Within History the area ‘Understanding of the World’ is covered alongside guidance set out in the ‘birthto5matters’. Children will be supported to ‘…make sense of their expanding world and their place within it through nurturing their wonder, curiosity, agency and exploratory drive.’ An active role within the community will be promoted to children alongside a developing understanding of old and new, past and present.
Enrichment and Resources
History resources are stored centrally within the school resources room. Resources are organised into topics and any additional resources needed will be ordered through the subject leader. Where necessary the school sources artefacts boxes from Reading Museum. The library contains a good supply of history topic books to support children’s individual research. Key knowledge, skills, vocabulary and a timeline is recorded on a knowledge organiser for each child, with space for them to add their own learning. Enrichment opportunities are encouraged in each year group. Staff are encouraged to plan opportunities for visitors, workshops and trips.
Impact (Assessment, Recording and Reporting)
Recording – Each child has their own topic book where History is recorded. In EYFS recording of Understanding of the world is on Tapestry. Teachers will plan opportunities for children to record in a variety of ways. Children will also be asked to complete a concept map to show what they know at the start of topic and then add to this as the end of the topic to show knowledge gained. The subject leader will monitor the recording of History through:
Assessment - The class teacher will assess children’s work in history by making informal judgements through observations during each History lesson. Teachers to mark History work in accordance with the Marking Policy, through conferencing. Teachers feedback of children’s work is to be related to the History and develop historical skills and knowledge. Teachers to gather evidence of a child’s understanding using written recording but also through discussion, questioning, drama and any other techniques that can show a child’s understanding.
Reporting – Children’s Historical attainment is reported to parents within the end of year school report. Teachers will use their own knowledge of the child’s attainment from discussion and work recording in books to judge whether the child is;