Together we achieve
Welcome To Year 4
Giraffes' teacher: Miss Lake
Zebras' teacher: Mrs Kejriwal
Y4 teaching assistants: Mrs Vincent & Miss Fenton-Shepherd
This term in geography, we will be learning about the key features of oceans and coastlines around the world, particularly the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, using digital maps, atlases, data sources and video clips. We will also be finding out about the different layers of the oceans and how plants and animals are adapted to live in the different conditions of each layer. We will also be doing a DT module where children will design, make and decorate their own 3D sea creature by sewing fabric they have cut from 2D patterns.
In year 4, we do reading and spellings as homework. We can also practise our times tables ready for the National Multiplication Check at the start of June, 2025.
Reading should be completed at least 5 times each week and recorded in diaries each time a child reads. Children can write in the book and pages read but reading diaries must be signed by an adult each time a child reads. The number of times a child has read is counted up on a MONDAY and the more they read, the more credits they will earn.
At least once a week children need to complete an online Accelerated Reader quiz in school or at home (link is at the bottom of this page) when they have finished a book to show how well they understood what was read and will retake the quiz if they aren't successful at first. Children's login details will be in the front of their homework diary. On a FRIDAY we check that all children have completed a quiz and they will be awarded credits for each quiz passed.
Children also need to regularly learn and practise their statutory spellings which are stuck in the back of their homework diary and are below. These are the words that all children in primary schools are expected to know by the end of their key stage as part of the English National Curriculum. We will choose 20 words at random from the list to test in the last week of term to track children's progress.
Other Useful Information
Have you seen the Kids’ Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites.