Together we achieve
School lunches are provided by Caterlink. Parents may view menu selections via ParentPay the online booking system the school uses for purchasing lunches.
For more information about Caterlink in general please visit their website
To find out about ParentPay please visit
or view the below guide for parents.
Alternatively please feel free to contact the school office who will be pleased to help.
All children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 are entitled to free school meals. This universal provision ends once children start Year 3. Some children are entitled to free school meals beyond Key Stage 1. lists the eligibility requirements.
If you wish to apply for free school meals, please contact the school office with your full name, date of birth and National Insurance number and the school will be able to make the application. If you do not instruct us to make this application, free school meals will no longer be provided for your child once they begin Year 3.
As part of the Healthy Schools Policy Key Stage 2 children are encouraged to bring a piece of fruit to eat during their mid-morning break. Key Stage 1 children currently have fruit supplied under a government scheme.
Please be aware that, due to allergies, nuts or products containing nuts are not permitted in school.
Sweets in packed lunches are also not permitted.
The school encourages the children to keep their fluid levels up by providing drinking water. Small unbreakable bottles are allowed, and the children can top them up at suitable intervals during the day. Energy drinks are not permitted.