
St Michael's Primary School

Together we achieve


Keeping children safe is the responsibility of everyone and is the top priority for all of our staff. 


As Professionals working with children, we need to be aware of the risks some children meet in their everyday lives. The key areas of risk are: physical abuse, neglect, emotional abuse and sexual abuse. We must recognise our important role and our responsibility to recognise children at risk.  Our aim is to ensure a safe, secure environment for all children in our care.


Children on occasions can disclose information about events in their lives to an adult in school. If the nature of the disclosure warrants it, staff members have the legal obligation to inform the Child Protection team within Social Services of the child’s disclosure. Although all members of staff have this responsibility, it is typically the Designated Safeguarding Officers who would make a referral to Social Services.  The Designated Safeguarding Officers are  Mr Kilbane, Miss Crofts, Mrs Jones and Mrs West. The Designated Safeguarding Governor is Mr P Knox-Roberts.    


If you have a safeguarding concern, in the first instance you should try to notify a Designated Safeguarding Officer.  If they are unavailable, please speak to any other member of staff or alternatively email:


If you feel that there is an immediate risk of significant harm to a child or that a child is in danger, call the Police straight away. 


Alternatively, concerns can be reported directly to Reading's Single Point of Access via telephone, 0118 9373641, email at or via 
