
St Michael's Primary School

Together we achieve


Photographs/Videos taken by School Staff


From time to time it may be necessary or desirable for us to take photographs or videos of the children or their work.  These are taken:


  • To keep a record of important events
  • To use on the School website or in school publications such as the prospectus
  • For noticeboards and displays of work
  • To celebrate and promote significant events in the local press
  • To share what is happening in school via WEDUC


Unless you inform us otherwise, the school presumes that parents and carers have no objection to recordings of their children being taken and used for these purposes.  Staff taking photographs or videos will only do so using school equipment.

Photographs/Videos taken by Parents/Carers


Unless they have expressly been given permission by a member of school staff, no parent may take photographs or record video whilst on the school site.


At events such as assemblies, school plays or sports day, permission may be granted to parents or carers for the duration of the event.  We would respectfully ask that parents and carers follow the below guidelines if they have been given permission to take photographs or record video


  • if a photograph or video contains images of children other than your own, or of school staff, please do not share that file on any form of social media
  • please have consideration for other parents and carers attending events when taking photographs or videos