Together we achieve
Please find below, statutory information which we are required to publish. If you are unable to find what it is your are looking for here please try Key Information under the 'Parents' menu or alternatively contact the school.
If you would like paper copies of any the information on our website please contact the school office.
Contact information for Parent queries
Miss Hemmings (please use email address shown below)
School Address
St.Michael's Primary School
Dee Road
Reading RG30 4AS
Tel: 0118 901 5550
Special educational needs (SEND) co-ordinator (SENCO).
Mrs Jones
Determined Admissions Arrangements
This information can be found on Reading Borough Council's website. Please click here to access this information.
Ofsted Report
Parents may access the most recent report about the school published by her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Education, Children's Services and Skills on the Ofsted website. Please click here to access this information.
Key Stage 2 results
The school's most recent key stage 2 results as published by the Secretary of State can be found in the School Performance Tables published on the Department for Education's website.
Performance Tables
Financial Benchmarking Information
Therapeutic Behaviour Policy
The measures determined by the headteacher under section 89 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 (determination by Headteacher of behaviour policy).
Pupil Premium Grant
The amount of the school's allocation from the Pupil Premium grant for this academic year with details of how it is intended that the allocation will be spent; details of how the previous academic year's allocation was spent, and the effect of this expenditure on the educational attainment of those pupils at the school in respect of whom grant funding was allocated.
COVID Recovery Plan
Charging Policy
The school's charging and remissions policy determined by them under section 457 of EA 1996(a).
Our School Vision and Values can be found here:
Sports Funding
Since September 2013 we are required to provide details regarding the PE and Sports Funding Initiative.
Information regarding the school curriculum can be found by clicking on the PDF file below and also looking on the curriculum pages.
National Curriculum
Reading and Phonics
St.Michael's uses Reading, Write Inc as our phonics scheme.
If parents wish to find out more about the school curriculum they should contact the class teacher. For general enquiries members of the public should contact Miss Crofts by telephoning 0118 901 5550.
Complaints Procedures
At St Michael's we endeavour to provide the best possible education for all pupils in our care. We have an open door policy and welcome feedback from pupils, parents and carers.
Equality and Accessibility Plans